Monday, August 07, 2006

hah. i'm not gonna allow someone to fourth that. no way man.

life is getting so tough. find me a subject which doesn't bombard us with assignments, and i'll... erm, feel a wee bit consoled. well, it's the default singaporean teen life i guess. especially in this TOP GOVERNMENT SCHOOL. wow.

during the talk, i felt that philosophy was rather cool, and i was even looking forward to taking that love-wisdomly subject in the future, until chaoslayer told me it was dumb cause his answers were either yes or no, thus dividing everything into two. lol.

quote of the day: "something something respect you something juvenile delinquency something something dictator something why are you here."


was i ever a friend in your eyes? or just some redundant creature for you to push around? i don't know this, but at least i know i've tried. hard. and probably failed

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